Wednesday, April 27, 2011

First Doctor Visit

Today A & I went to the doctor. We first went to the Ultra Sound Suite and had an ultra sound. Before going in, the doctor suspected I was 7-8 weeks pregnant and that my due date would be 12/12/11. (See Post Below) Well after the ultra sound where we saw the baby blob for the first time, it was awesome. It was so small but you could see the heart beat. They determined I am actually only 6 weeks along and that the due date is 12/18/11.

After the ultra sound we went to meet with the doctor. He said everything looks great, but with not being as far along as we first though we will have to come back in two weeks for the actual first Pregnancy visit. This is where they will test my blood and ask more questions about our family medical history. It was great to see the baby and nice to meet the doctor, and now I feel a little less intimidated by the next visit. It should be great.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Boy or Girl

Who wants a boy & who wants a girl?

Anthony- Boy
Grandma Jan- Girl
Grandpa Alan- Girl
Heather- Boy
Will- Boy (just not on December 12th)
Trent- Boy
Me- Healthy Baby!