Thursday, May 26, 2011

Joplin, our new community hit by tornado

Well, even after a deadly tornado, we are moving to Joplin. I am sitting here now as the movers pack our stuff, it is surreal to know that we are moving. However, it is wonderful to have people pack our stuff for us. Also we are moving to a place that has a .75 mile wide 6 mile long path destroyed by a tornado. We have talked to several people down there and the stories are amazing. It is also amazing to see how all the people have come together to help one another. And the people not from the area that are donating things left and right to help. It is amazing to see it all happening. Jill who is from Fulton and has lived in Joplin for 2 years has started helping people organize donations in the schools. We will have stories to tell our new child of the year he/she was born. I am also sure we will see the effects for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking of you guys ever since I heard! I hope your home is safe AND that you have a basement!
